17 Apr 2011

Abbreviating Climate Change Swings

It appears rather obvious to me that the climate change and global warming issue between scientists is quite a bit of posturing and it appears that the two percent increase in overall atmospheric temperature over the last 50 years is rather insignificant. It also appears to me that a hole in the ozone is not the end of the world.

But either way if we are truly concerned about the climate change no matter if it is being caused by mankind or not; we also need to consider that perhaps we can do something about its large swings and hyperextension of the pendulum arm. How so you ask?

Well, you see, if the planet gets too hot then the ice caps melt, the ocean current changes, we have a wicked wild weather for a while and then we go into an ice age. But, if we can slowly switch from hot to cold and then from cold too hot over many hundreds of years, then the slow change of the cycle will not affect human civilization to a large degree or cause economies to collapse and civilizations to crumble.

However, if mankind causes and increase in the cold cycle or in this case a warm cycle, then a how far that pendulum will swing. It behooves us to study the weather, the patterns, the cycles and the past to determine how best to proceed without doing the wrong thing. Consider this in 2008.

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